From a young age I was told I was not the artist in the family, but this did not dim my interest.
Primarily in history, seeing the marks and images that our ancestors deemed worthy of seeing future generations. This has spilled over into my enjoyment of cruising the local art galleries and world famous museums my city has to offer. Being so close to a center of artistic expression motivates me to create.
The first form I took up as a personal hobby, was photography. I enjoyed shooting pictures but never felt the magic or science behind it until I took my first photography class my senior year of college. This was a B&W film class which included printing, which to me was my favorite part of the whole process. To see that image appear slowly sitting in the developer never gets old.
In addition to photography I have gone on to explore a variety of mediums: Videography, Painting, Sketching, Drawing, Charcoal, Solid Markers, Black Ink, Installation Art and Graphic Design.
